Friday, November 5, 2010

Fascinating Frog Facts

You might think you know a lot about frogs... but do you know these fascinating facts about them?

Do frogs have ears? Yes, frogs have ears. Frogs can hear using round ears on the sides of their heads, called tympanums. Tympanum means drum.

Do frogs have teeth? Yes, frogs have teeth, too! Cone-shaped teeth are on the ridge of the frog's upper jaw. These teeth are called maxillary teeth. These teeth are very fragile and are used to grip rather than grind. Also, frogs have teeth on the roofs of their mouths, and these teeth are called vomerine teeth.

Do frogs drink water? Nope, frogs don't drink water. They absorb water through their skin. Also, frogs need more oxygen than their lungs can provide. So, they breathe through their skin, too!

Do frogs have special feet? Yes, frogs' feet have a sticky pad, or suction cup on the end of each toe. These sticky little cups aid frogs in climbing.
Do frogs have different eyes? Yes, frogs eyes vary from one specie to another! The colored part of the eye, called the iris, comes in all different colors: gold, orange, black, brown, green, silver or brown. Frogs' pupils can be all different shapes too, such as: vertical, horizontal, heart-shaped, round or even star-shaped!

Can frogs change colors? Yes, frogs can change colors, just like chameleons! Some frogs that do this are: White's Tree Frog and the Blue Bumpy Frog (I own one of them!). Frogs change colors depending on their moods and to hide themselves from predators.

How long do frogs live? An average frog in captivity lives between 4 and 15 years. A lot depends on the type of frog and how well it has been cared for. If you keep your frog's tank immaculately clean, your frog is bound to have a long and healthy life. Also, what frogs eat and how much nutrience they get in each meal is another factor in how long they will live.

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